Diesel on the left is getting chased by his sister Kona. She came for a play date one day a few weeks ago. They had a blast.

Here Diesel is tied up to a stake in the front yard. I don't like to tie him up that often, but sometimes he wants to be outside just to be outside. I'm thinking "I don't have a problem letting you out to take a leak, but come on dude, can't you just chill out when I want you to chill out?" Yeah, so that's why he gets tied up. We also bought a chain link kennel for when we need to lock him up outside. While I'm talking about cruel punishments for Diesel, first the tied up to a cable, second, I have a chain link kennel, lastly I have a training collar to help in training Diesel to stay in the yard. If he goes in the road, or tries to leave our yard, I tell him "NO". If he doesn't listen he gets zapped. Yep, that's right I shock the dude. I know everyone has their own opinions about shock collars, and that's nice, but I think it's a lot more humane to shock the crap out of my dog to keep him in the yard than to have a big farm truck mow his butt over. So that's where we're at with Diesel. He's a handful, and we love him to pieces, but sometimes he gets shocked, tied up, or locked up depending on the situation. Most of the time he hangs out in the house with the rest of us. When he is outside he usually listens pretty well, and avoids the whole shock treatment. By the way, it doesn't hurt that bad. When I first got it I was having second thoughts about the whole idea, so I tried it on. I first put it on my thigh, and shocked myself a few times. It hurt like hell, but only for a second. Then I put it around my neck, and that too hurt like hell, so I decided it was probably a great idea, and if anyone gives me crap about it I can use the perfect defense. I can hear it now.
Nosy Neighbor: "Hey Ryan, how would you like it if Diesel put a shock collar around your neck and zapped you every time you got out of line?"
Me: "Well I can tell you hurts like hell, because I tried it out one day. So, if Diesel thought he could maneuver his big paws in a way that would enable him to put a shock collar around my neck, and if he could figure out the remote to shock me every time I got out of line, I guess I wouldn't like it very much, and I'd stop doing whatever it was that I was doing. There...... boooyaaah, nailed it! Now get out my yard before I have Diesel lick you to death!"
(Spell check says boooyaaah isn't a word, but I know it is)
Here comes Diesel, ready to lick you to death.